Tuesday 25 September 2012

Making Your Blog a Sub-Domain of Your Site - Yes or No?

I have my blog hosted on blogger.com. Blogger offer a facility whereby you can re-locate the address of your blog from the default site (in my case, WaveCrestIT.blogspot.com) to a sub-address of your existing domain name, a sub-domain, ie blog.WaveCrestIT.co.uk
Currently, due to some diligent posting on my part, I am getting more hits on my blog than on the main page on my website. Not only that, but I have set up my blog so that it strongly resembles the look and feel of my main website and has the same call-to-action functionality. I also have a summary of the text from my website's main page in a side-bar on the blog and plan to completely integrate my blog into the site as a whole.
My question is this: Would it be better, with respect to search engine optimisation and other factors, to dispense with my current main page entirely (it is overly wordy) and just have the main domain (ie. www.WaveCrestIT.co.uk) point straight to the main page of the blog? The blog is not hosted on my site, it is hosted on blogger.com. Will this have any negative impact on the subsidiary pages of the site (which are hosted in my own space) or on the blog itself?
I have done some research into this but could only find articles on related issues and none that dealt with the question directly. Some of the more useful links are listed below:
Please respond, comment or make suggestions for further research below.

[Edit: 25/09/2012 15:15 : I am also thinking about integrating my blog and Facebook posts on my site via RSS. Any comments or suggestions as to how that might work, in conjunction with the above? ]

1 comment:

  1. If you a re a Linked In user, you can see some further discussion on this topic on the following two threads:


